Department of Psychology | Clinical Counseling Track | Master of Arts in Psychological Science Program


THE MIND-BODY TRAUMA CARE LAB, directed by Dr. Viann Nguyen-Feng ([vee-anne win-fang] she/her), integrates several domains: psychology & public health, mental & physical health, mind & body.

Our research team aims to bridge the disconnections between body and mind, particularly in the context of trauma-informed psychotherapeutic care. We coined the term "mind-body trauma care" to speak to that focus. The term mind-body trauma care can be interpreted in several ways:

This research addresses access to care issues in two main ways:

We aim to serve at-risk and underrecognized groups, such as those who have been exposed to interpersonal traumas (e.g., emotional abuse, race/identity-based stressors), have disabling life experiences, and/or may be experiencing psychosociocultural oppression. 

Lab logo, which comprises the words "Mind-Body Trauma Care" written in gently-slanted, black front layered on top of overlapping off-gray, almond-shaped, intersecting petals that form an abstract lotus flower

mind | body | trauma | care

to increase access to holistic, embodied, and trauma-informed mental healthcare