“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the ocean in a drop.” –Rumi
The Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab is housed in the Department of Psychology, Clinical Counseling Track at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Located on the shores of Gitchi Gami/Lake Superior, the city of Onigamiising/Duluth is a beautiful place to work, study, and play.
About the Clinical Counseling program
About Duluth/Onigamiising

Mind-Body Trauma Care Lab Research Assistant Interest Form:
Duluth, MN
The city of Duluth is located on the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of Indigenous people. The Ojibwe name for the Duluth area is O-ney-gay-me-sing, Onigumins, Onigamiinsing, or “little portage,” referring to the short crossing over Minnesota Point from Lake Superior to the Bay of Superior.
We collectively acknowledge that the University of Minnesota, Duluth is located on the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of Indigenous people. The University resides on land that was cared for and called home by the Ojibwe people, before them the Dakota and Northern Cheyenne people, and other Native peoples from time immemorial.